The Rotary Satellite Club of White Bear Lake-Northeast Metro is meeting the first Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. Like all Rotary clubs, the Northeast Metro satellite club is focused on serving the community. For more information about this exciting new group, contact Steve Griffith at
Introduction to the
Rotary Satellite Club of White Bear Lake-Northeast Metro
December 2023
History of the Club
By 2020, the Rotary Club of White Bear Lake (RCWBL) had been doing great things for its local community for over 40 years. For the RCWBL, the Rotary motto “Service Above Self” is more than a platitude, it is a way of life. Although the RCWBL welcomes everyone to join the club, its members understood that the club’s meeting time of 7:30 a.m. every Wednesday morning and club dues were barriers to some potential members. To address these issues, in 2021 members of the club’s Membership Team began meeting with a small group of interested potential members with the idea of starting a new type of Rotary club. Exploratory meetings continued until the spring of 2022 when the working group petitioned to become a “satellite” club under the RCWBL’s auspices. The Rotary Satellite Club of White Bear Lake-Northeast Metro was formally accepted by Rotary International in June 2022. Its members are members of the Rotary Club of White Bear Lake.
Mission Statement of the Rotary Satellite Club of White Bear Lake-Northeast Metro
The mission of the Rotary Club of White Bear Lake-Northeast Metro is to provide community members of the northeastern corner of Minnesota’s Twin Cities an opportunity to participate in the many benefits of Rotary membership in an inclusive, friendly, casual, affordable format. Members of the Rotary Club of White Bear Lake-Northeast Metro share Rotary’s core values as expressed in the Four-Way Test and seek to be a diverse club whose members live out the Rotary motto, “Service Above Self”.
The Rotary Club of White Bear Lake-Northeast Metro lives out its mission by,
1.  Keeping dues and the cost of membership to the bare minimum
  • Annual fees are currently $240, most of which go to pay Rotary International and District dues.
  • Minimizing the number of times members will be asked to contribute financially in addition to annual dues
  • Not having a mandatory meal at meetings
2. Recognizing that the focus of Rotary is serving others and by spending more time serving, than meeting
  • Regular meetings are held only once each month in the early evening, with a second meeting each month focused on a service activity.
  • While at this point, the club has no permanent meeting place, meetings are always held in easily accessible venues where participants can be sociable.
  • The number of subcommittees and additional meetings are kept to a minimum.
3. Partnering with its sponsoring club the Rotary club of White Bear Lake on service activities and fundraising projects when appropriate.
4. Being flexible about meeting attendance and participation. Although members are encouraged to attend as many of the monthly meetings and service projects as possible, there is no attendance mandate.
5. Demonstrating that serving others can be both fulfilling and fun!
Contact Us!
Since its founding in 2022, the Rotary Satellite Club of White Bear Lake-Northeast Metro has attracted its members from all over the Twin Cities metropolitan area. We are not bound by specific geography area. Our regular meeting is from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the Four Deuces Saloon, 2222 Fourth Street in White Bear Lake.  If you want to find out more about the Rotary Satellite Club of White Bear Lake-Northeast Metro, please contact us at