International Service Team
Join a group of Rotarians that are passionate about Global Service
Our service team meets the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Join us via zoom:
Our International Team supports the 7 areas of service identified by Rotary International:
Peace and Conflict Resolution
Disease Prevention and Treatment
Water and Sanitation
Maternal and Child Health
Basic Education and Literacy
Economic Development
Our International Team had a productive year and our donations and efforts have provided support for projects providing global impact.
The list below provides a snapshot of our funding and work through the dedication of our International Team.
We aren't done yet! More to come through June, 2024
WB Rotary provided funds to support YOULEAD. This grant was led by Irina and Richard Fursman. 30 youth from Ukraine participated in a 5 week youth leadership training program. The youth were hosted by local North Suburban families, and were introduced to many new experiences. they studied government, and developed skills of collaboration and teamwork. Families and youth developed friendships that will last a lifetime.
Ukraine will benefit from youth who are ready to lead their country!

Our International Team completed a District Grant to provide access to clean water, hygiene training and development of a water management team for 3 schools in Northern Uganda. Upon completion, these projects will change the lives for 3 communities impacting over 3000 people. 15 local Rotary Clubs in District 5960 contributed to the project, as well as partners from 5950 (Mpls) and 6890 (FL). The beauty of Rotary – Working together we can Change the World.
Several of our club members will be traveling with a Global Rotary Travelers Club to Egypt this winter. While there, they will visit the “Hope for Liver Cancer clinic.” Our WBL club supported their grant to help make treatment a reality.
WBL Rotary continues to support Protez Academy. Over the summer, 24 Ukrainian individuals were trained at Century College’s campus to build state of the art Prosthetics. This training will benefit thousands of people through the technology and skills that they bring back to Ukraine. This is an ongoing effort by Protez, and we have developed a strong relationship with our Rotary Club.

We supported other clubs within our District
We provided support for Stillwater Sunrise Rotary Club for an ongoing project, LIFT, in Nicaragua.
We provided support for Northfield Rotary Club to support distribution of over 4 Million books through Books for Africa to South Sudan.
We provided support for a literacy project in Mankato with the Mankato Rotary Club.
We provided support for a STEM for an after school project in New Brighton with the Mounds View/New Brighton Rotary Club.
We provided support for a water project in Chimuzu, Peru with Prior Lake Rotary Club.
We provided support for a technology hub in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya with Lakeville Rotary Club.
Our year is not over, and we will continue to learn about new projects and provide our support to programs that will Bring Peace to the World!
Join a group of Rotarians that are passionate about Global Service
Our service team meets the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Join us via zoom:
Our International Team supports the 7 areas of service identified by Rotary International:
Peace and Conflict Resolution
Disease Prevention and Treatment
Water and Sanitation
Maternal and Child Health
Basic Education and Literacy
Economic Development
Our Team supported the following projects as of February 2022 during this Rotary Year
District Grant Project to provide Water and Sanitation for Nasaruni School for Maasai Girls, Narok, Kenya
8 clubs from District 5960 and a club from Tampa, Florida provided support.

Support for a water tank and rainwater catchment for a community center in Costa Rica
Moving the tank up a hill to the community center.
Tiny Lives Foundation received a grant to support health care and reduce child malnutrition in Lesotho.
A young child is reunited with his mother after rehabilitation at a clinic. Water, food and health services provided
by Tiny Lives foundation saved his life.
Rural Health Care Initiative
We provided funds to support maternal and child health in rural Sierra Leone.
Fast For Hope, a District 5960 Project is raising funds to provide a
deep well, water tank and distribution lines for 250 families
in rural Nicaragua. We provided $3000 for their Global Grant.
Cultural Exchange Scholarship for Century College students
Students will travel to Japan to become more globally connected and create global friendships.
We provided support for "The Mango Farm" project in Haiti, provided support for the International
Institute of MN and their work with Afghan Refugees.
Most recently we have provided support for a Women's Shelter in collaboration with the Kingston Rotary club of Jamaica
Photos to be added upon completion
1000 Survival Gardens Global Grant project led by the Rotary Club of Winnipeg.
The "Hippo Roller"
Providing an easier way to collect water for gardens
Past Projects and recurring Projects
Open World Collaboration with Russia
For many years, out WBL Rotary Club has hosted an Open World Delegation from Krasnoyarsk, Russia
We are hosts to a Delegation of up to 10 delegates who visit local businesses and areas of interest.
We have hosted special education teachers, music therapy teachers, business leaders
and other delegations throughout the past years.
Due to Covid we have not been able to host a delegation in 2020, 2021 or 2022.
We hope next year we may once again host our visitors. We believe
getting to know one another helps build relationships that will lead
to understanding and peace.
Getting ready to attend a "MN TWINS" Baseball game
Russian guests visit during Halloween!
They enjoyed the costume party
WASH for 30 Schools In the Delta Region of Nigeria
Our club led 2 Global Grants and participated in a 3rd Global Grant
to raise $600,000 to provide water, sanitation and hygiene education for schools.
North Korean Peace Camp at Camp St. Croix 2021
Summer of 2021, we hosted North Korean refugees who immigrated to the United States.
They had the opportunity to meet with others from North Korea to experience a taste
of the "family" that they left behind.
For more information about this team, please contact the team lead listed under Club Executives and Directors on the main page.