THANK YOU to all our sponsors, community supporters, and all volunteers who made 2025 Bear'ly Open VXIII events a huge success! WE APPRECIATE YOU!
All net proceeds from 2025 Bearly Open XVIII will benefit the White Bear Area Food Shelf, where the need has never been greater among our community.

St. John in the Wilderness
Parish Hall
2175 1st Street
White Bear Lake MN 55110
Friday, November 8th, 2024
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Click Here to schedule an appointment or call 1-800-Red Cross (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter St. John in the Wilderness.
Tuesday October 15, 2024
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Free Event - Space is limited, Click here to register
White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church
340 Maple St, Mahtomedi
Run for the Apples, 5 Mile, Saturday, October 19, 2024 (MEA weekend)
Thank you runners, sponsors, and everyone who was a Pine Tree for the race.
Please contact me with any questions, here is a link to the results.
Next years Run For The Apples will be on Saturday Oct 18, 2025!
Dale, dale@grambush.com or 651 357-6109
This race is held at the Jacobson's Pine Tree Apple Orchard in White Bear Lake. The course is on the trails through the orchard, strawberry fields and pumpkin patch.
Long Sleeve T-shirts and apple treats to all 5 Mile and Kids Fun Run finishers. For the 5 mile walk/run, Awards for top 3 male and female in each category age group. First place male and female in each age group receive a certificate for a free apple pie. No Strollers or Pets on the course.
1/3 Mile Kids Fun Run, apples treats at the finish line and an award (no t-shirt).
1/3 Mile Kids Fun Run, apples treats at the finish line and an award (no t-shirt).
The Course
This beautiful course is on the trails through the apple orchard, strawberry fields, and pumpkin patch. The footing varies from gravel to pavement. You can just enjoy walking through the scenic orchard. No Strollers or Pets on the course.
The proceeds from this race help benefit the Rotary Club of White Bear Lake Strive Scholarship in White Bear Lake! Thank you for your support!
This beautiful course is on the trails through the apple orchard, strawberry fields, and pumpkin patch. The footing varies from gravel to pavement. You can just enjoy walking through the scenic orchard. No Strollers or Pets on the course.
The proceeds from this race help benefit the Rotary Club of White Bear Lake Strive Scholarship in White Bear Lake! Thank you for your support!
Kowalski's Strive 10 miler has been canceled for 2024.
A team of us from the Rotary Community Service Committee hosted Birch Lake Elementary students grades 3-5 for an environmental field day on October 3. Connie Taillon (environmental engineer) from the City of WBL and VLAWMO provided leadership and materials.
The four stations were: Macroinvertebrate Lab in the picnic pavilion, Edible Campfire (and weeding the pollinator garden), Nature Hike and Nature Scavenger hunt. Approximately 120 students attended plus about 6 teachers. 9 Rotarians and three other volunteers assisted.

Produced by editor Henry Adebasi and videographer Nick Campbell
September 7, 2024, 2- 5 p.m. at the Pine Tree Apple Orchard!

Thank you everyone for other great Taste of White Bear Lake at the Jacobson's Pine Tree Apple Orchard. Thank you to our vendors, sponsors, and for those that attended the event!
Due to warm temps and unsafe ice conditions, we regrettably need to cancel the BEAR'ly Open Golf on Ice event.
The Bearly Open Online Auction 2024 and Bear'ly Open XVII - Community Dance are still a go! Please consider joining us in support of the White Bear Area Food Shelf!

ONLINE AUCTION DAY: Begins on Wednesday, January 31st, 2024 at 1pm Ends Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 at 8pm
Register link: https://www.silentauctionpro.com/signinregisterolb.php?groupId=1697&olbreturn=/memberhome.php?groupId=1697&ks=1
Donate link: https://whitebearfoodshelf.giv.sh/86ec
The BEAR’LY Open is a major fundraiser for the White Bear Area Food Shelf and this lost revenue comes at a critical moment. Visits to the Food Shelf are up 40% over last year. Did you know that the Food Shelf has opened a new Community Market on January 22? They have expanded to this location at 2446 Co Road F, a corner market style selection and quality of free fresh produce and items collected daily from local grocery stores. Both locations are in need of volunteers. Please consider a personal donation to the Food Shelf ...every $1 donated provides up to $6 in food.

Despite the iffy weather, (June 2, 2023) it was an excellent inaugural Bears Explore Outdoors event for families Friday night (June 2) hosted by White Bear Lake Area Schools Community Services and Recreation at Bald Eagle Lake Regional Park. Lots of good food from Red Luna, lots of giveaways, chances to play games and even learn a little about fishing. Other supporting participants included Baztec Fishing, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Ramsey County, Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization, and #WhiteBearLakeMN police department. We #Rotarians were there, too, to happily pitch in. Shown from left, Ken Galloway, Ellen Fahey, Bob Timmons, Community Services and Recreation Director Tim Maurer, Gloria and Craig Drake, and Lori Swanson. Apparently our Rotary string bags were a hit.

Our Rotary Club and the White Bear Lake Areas Schools teamed up again this year for the 2023 Manitou Days Summers Festival to highlight student writers in grades K-8, through a writing contest. This year's theme is “A Century of Community”. 2023 marks 100 years since the formation of what has become the White Bear Area Chamber, the opening of the newly built armory, a reinvestment of resources in the White Bear Lake fire department and generally the shift from summer resort destination to year-round community. The seeds that were planted in the 1920s have been cultivated into the community we have today. The winners of the contest were invited to a pizza/pool party and will be walking in the Manitou Days.
Service Above Self
4970 N Highway 61
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
United States of America